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时间:2020年11月10日 来自:来源: 陕西成人高考网 资讯更全面,成考更专业 访问点击量:4420次

Part II. Useful Words

实事求是to seek truth from facts 理论联系实际to integrate theory with practice 纠正不正之风to overcome unhealthy tendencies 产业工人industrial worker 手工业工人 handicraft worker 个体劳动者 individual laborer 城市贫民urban poor 小商人small trader 知识分子intellectual 农民peasant 糖衣炮弹sugar coated bullets 唯利是图profit-seeking 贪污腐化 graft and corruption 乱扔垃圾litter素质教育quality education 安乐死 euthanasia; mercy killing全面规划,加强领导comprehensive planning and more effective leadership 台湾回归祖国实现祖国统一the return of Taiwan to the motherland for the realization of China’s unification 一个国家,两种制度one country, two systems港澳回归the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland抗洪精神anti-flood spirit 抗洪长城anti-flood Great Wall 给群众办好事to do good deeds for the people 投资少,收效快to require less investment while yielding quicker results 化害为利to turn the harmful into the beneficial 人民的公仆public servants of the people 改革开放的政策 the policy of opening and reform党的十一届三中全会the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party (1978) 人民代表大会the National People’s Congress 世界贸易组织WTO (World Trade Organization) 二环路the Second Ring Road 高速公路 expressway 消费城市consumer city 古迹place of historical interest 风景区scenic spot 观光点Spots for Sightseeing骊山Mt. Lishan华清池Huaqing Hot Spring 西安事变the Xi’an Incident秦始皇墓the Mausoleum of Qinshihuang 兵马佣 the Qin Pottery Figures 书法calligraphy 钟楼 Bell Tower 大雁塔Great Gander Pagoda 半坡博物馆Banpo Museum 水电站hydro-electric power station 土壤改良soil improvement 统一管理unified management 抽样调查sample survey 住房占地面积living floor space 年人均收入the average per capita annual income 发展国民经济以农业为基础,工业为主导to take agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor in developing national economy 个体农业生产individual farming 一九九七年工农业生产比一九七九年增加了32.6%, 平均年增长7.3% Total 1997 output of industry and agriculture was 32.6 percent over 1979, with an annual average increase of 7.3 percent.两极分化polarization 联产承包责任制output-related system of contracted responsibilities 大包干all-round contract 经济作物cash crops 防护林带 shelter belt 以经济建设为中心的社会主义现代化建设Socialist modernization centering on economic construction 基本建设capital construction 提高经济效益to work for more and better economic results 提高生产to promote production 提高效率to raise efficiency 提高产品质量to improve the quality of products 提高生活水平to improve the living standard 提高科学水平to develop science and technology 提高英语水平to improve English 官僚作风red tape 劳动大军workforce 下岗工人 the laid-off workers国营经济state economy 集体经济collective economy 个体经济individual economy 实行了利改税A new taxation system has replace the profit delivery system.在旧体制下under the old system 多学科的multi-disciplinary 边缘学科frontier disciplines 我们的教育方针应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的、有文化的劳动者。Our education policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.身体好,学习好,工作好Keep fit, study hard and work well. 德才兼备to combine ability with character 培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently 启发学生独立思考的能力to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves 培养学生自学能力to foster the students’ ability to study on their own 填鸭式教学法cramming / forced-feeding method of teaching /rote learning 普及教育universal education 义务教育free education 学前教育pre-school education 初等教育elementary education 中等教育secondary education 高等教育higher education 普遍教育general education 成人教育adult education 职业技术教育 vocational and technical education 在职培训in-service training 业余职工大学spare-time college for staff and workers 广播电视大学television and radio broadcasting university 体育大国major sports power 跳水diving 击剑fencing 田径track and field 计划生育family planning 多子多福the more sons, the more blessings 男尊女卑the male is respectable, while the female is lowly.中国妇女顶半边天。Chinese women hold up the sky.几个some; a few; several; a number of 十几个more than / over a dozen 几十个dozens of 好几百个hundreds of 成千上万thousands of 几十万hundreds of thousands of 数以百万计的millions of

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