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时间:2014年02月22日 来自:来源: 陕西成人高考网 资讯更全面,成考更专业 访问点击量:2358次

5) 课堂演练Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?
1. 名校校园正成为旅游新热点
2. 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同
3. 我认为……
Nowadays, with the development of society and economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, tourism has grown to be a new focus. Places with different styles of tourist resources have become tourist destination, among which the campuses of prestigious universities turn out to be a new tourist attraction.
Opinions on whether university campuses should be open to tourists vary from individual to individual. There are some proponents who consider that we are supposed to believe it is beneficial, because they will exert positive influence on both the university and the tourist. The university may be better understood by the visitor, which may enhance its reputation and help attract more talented applicants. On the other hand, young children, when absorbed in the noble atmosphere, may be stimulated to work even harder to realize their dream of attending universities. But Opponents react to the other way around and argue that the opposite is just reasonable. From their perspective, they are expected to argue that the inflow of tourists may be a disturbance to normal teaching activities.
Who is right? Of course both sides have their reasons. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate a moment to say that I favor the former. After all, every advantage has its disadvantage. In my view point, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks on the condition that proper visiting time is scheduled.

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